Please add a second notification sound in iOS
under review
Please add a second notification sound and allow users to choose which sound corresponds to which notification type. I would like to distinguish between urgent notifications that require immediate attention and those that can be read later.
If there is a notification about a test invitation, I want a specific sound to indicate, that I need to react as fast as possible to not miss the test, that might be a real cool one. Even if I am for example in the supermarket, I want to take out my phone and accept the invitation quickly.
On the other hand, if there is a notification about a New bug comment, I want to hear a different sound, so I know, there is something I need to address - but it is not that urgent to immediately take out my phone.
Tetiana Yezerska
under review
Hi ullala. Thank you for your feedback.
Please check the settings of the testNow application in your phone settings (Settings-Apps-testNow). There are several actions for which you can select the appropriate sound.
Hi AV-Master and thank you very much for your feedback!
I just rechecked the settings in the testNow app on my iPhone. Settings -> Preferences -> Notifications. But at each listed feature I can only select, if I want an Push notification and/or an email. I do not see here any possibility to choose different sounds. Am I missing something? thank you!
I would like to
a difference, like bing
for urgent things and bong
for other things.AV-Master
ullalaThere are several actions for the Android version, perhaps they will be added later for the iOS version of the application.
AV-Master oh I see, interesting, thank you!
I checked notifications on iOS and found them to be almost useless. The sound is too quiet. I think the ability to add your own sound or choose from a list of standard ones will make notifications more useful. I hope your suggestion will be implemented.
AV-Master thank you so much for checking and your feedback! :)