Give a warning to testers who take a seat and don't work at the test
under review
Ivan nanovic
Lately the platform has been massively spread and a lot of testers have joined . Most of the testers accept tests and dont work in them , stopping another one from working . Lately we all have seen "all seats have been taken" message , even if the test has 1 minute that was available. More testers that want to work see their dashboard empty because irresponsible testers accepts tets and don't work in them . So I suggest giving a warning to testers who accept tests but don't work in those tests
Outrageous suggestion. People accept tests at night and then test in morning because not everybody is nocturnal. Sometimes there are just way too many bugs already reported, in that case reported activity is minimum but doesn't mean we didn't do anything. If implemented, it will be a strong motivation for testers to leave the platform.
I would like to add my ideas on how this problem could be solved.
1 - usually many seats are occupied by beginners who have little experience and who are studying, and who, for get access to the real test, at least for review, need to take a seat in the test.I think this problem can be reduced if add possibility to connect to active tests AS OBSERVER. This would give beginners the opportunity to study real tests, see how others make bug reports, try to find something - but WITHOUT DENY more experienced and confident testers of the opportunity to participate in the test.
2 - add an AUTOMATIC EJECT inactive testers if the tester has no activity during the test and if there is no activity for 2-3 last hours, or CHANGE the tester STATUS from active to the category of observers, thereby FREEING UP SEAT for others.
It's dry. While other testers with the same quality can get an invite normally (as seen through the ranking board), so many times I'm invited into the cycle like all the slots are gone (even though it just appeared and I clicked on it right away). Or even for weeks in a row, I was invited to a cycle that had already been running for more than 4 hours (a lot of bugs were submitted during that cycle); it completely demotivated me to work, and the only way I quit that cycle immediately. This is all because the testers already had slots without doing anything to contribute to the cycle.
So maybe a warning notice will appear when accepted in every cycle, which is important, and it will ban the tester from working on this platform if they keep doing that (because this tester really does nothing here). The reliability score is not important with those testers at all (because those testers do nothing in the cycles).
When I was a beginner, in many tests, I did not understand exactly how to test. I watched other testers do it and learned. If I had received a warning for this, I would have left this platform forever.
Tetiana Yezerska
under review
Tetiana Tkachenko
Using my own example, if I take tests to work only when I have time, then there will simply be no invitations left for me that day. So, I take them, a few 1-2, and test at night. And I see a lot of examples when those who were not active on the first day of testing give a good result on the new day, because they are already looking in other areas.
I would suggest another option. Simply remove from the test those testers who did not show activity in the test during the first half of the test cycle.
It is necessary to divide the test into those who are looking for bugs and those who make reproductions.
Ivan nanovic
ted: i agree , but I have noticed that if a test has 40 testers , 10 of them do nothing
Tetiana Tkachenko
ted: Reproducing bugs helps to better understand the project and not waste time testing the area that has already been tested.