Add to user story page the ability to notify a team leader about incorrect execution of a user story.

Mistakes often occur during the execution of user stories. It is a good practice to notify team leaders about incorrect execution of such user stories. Unfortunately, such mistakes have to be reported in the test cycle chat, which leads to chat clutter and in the case of many messages, team leaders may not notice such a message. If there is a notification form on the user story page about incorrect execution of a user story, and in the team leader's interface such a user story is marked as requiring a response, then this will make the work of team leaders and testers easier, and also reduce the number of unnecessary messages in the chat.
The ideal option would be to select the reason for rejection from a drop-down list, as well as the ability to write a short text message.
In addition, there is an option to exclude team leaders from this chain altogether. If the tester is sure that he made a mistake, he himself can reject such a user story.
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Great one!
The possibility that the user can reject the user story by himself would be the best solution (and if possible, no notification to the team leader would be necessary). thx! :)